Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever / Toller, NSDTR /
Kraj pochodzenia: Kanada - prowincja Nova Scotia.
Pierwotnie wykorzystywane do polowania na
kaczki, dzisiaj ze względu na swój miły i przyjazny
charakter, tollery zyskują coraz większą
popularność jako psy rodzinne.
Chcąc mieć tollera jako psa towarzysza, należy
pamiętać, że choć toller to
najmniejszy z retrieverów jednak został wyhodowany na psa użytkowego
, jest i pozostanie psem myśliwskim.
Ujmujący delikatnością w kontakcie z człowiekiem,
potrafi być bardzo szybki, energiczny i wytrwały.
Toller jest czujny, bystry, zwinny, skoczny.
Lubi się uczyć oraz otrzymywać i wykonywać zadania.
To zazwyczaj doskonały pływak i aporter.
towarzysz ludzi aktywnych, lubiących kontakt i współpracę z psem,
chcących posiadać bystrego i radosnego przyjaciela i partnera do
wspólnych wypraw.
Tollery, to psy średniego wzrostu(ok. 50 cm) i
wagi(ok.20 kg). Barwa ich sierści to różne odcienie czerwieni i
pomarańczu, z występującymi białymi znaczeniami (klatka piersiowa,łapy,
czasem maska i koniec ogona). Charakterystyczny cielisty pigment trufli
nosa, warg i powiek powinien zlewać się z kolorem sierści, może też być
The Official Canadian Kennel Club Breed Standard
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
published in Canadian Kennel Club Official Section, December 1997
Origin and Purpose;
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever was developed in Nova Scotia in the
early 19th century to toll (or lure) and retrieve waterfowl. The tolling
dog runs, jumps, and plays along the shoreline in full view of a flock
of ducks,occasionally disappearing from sight and then quickly
reappearing, aided by the hidden hunter, who throws small sticks or a
ball for the dog. The dog’s playful actions lure the curious ducks
within gunshot range. The dog is then sent to retrieve the downed bird.
General Appearance;
Toller is a medium-sized, powerful, compact, balanced, well-muscled
dog; medium to heavy in bone, with a high degree of agility, alertness,
and determination. Many Tollers have a slightly sad expression until
they go to work, when their aspect changes to intense concentration and
excitement. At work, the dog has a speeding, rushing action, with the
head carried out almost level with the back and heavily-feathered tail
in constant motion.
The Toller is highly
intelligent, easy to train, and has great endurance. A strong and able
swimmer, he is a natural and tenacious retriever on land and from water,
setting himself for springy action the moment the slightest indication
is given that retrieving is required. His strong retrieving desire and
playfulness are qualities essential to his tolling ability.
and playful to his family, he can be reserved with strangers without
being aggressive or overly shy. Aggression is not to be tolerated.
height for males over 18 months is 19-20 inches (48-51 cm); females
over 18 months 18-19 inches (45-48 cm). One inch (3 cm) over or under
ideal height is allowed. Weight should be in proportion to the height
and bone of the dog guidelines: 45-51 lb. (20-23 kg) for adult males;
bitches 37-43 lb. (17-20 kg).
Coat and Colour;
The Toller
was bred to retrieve from icy waters and must have a water-repellent
double coat of medium length and softness with a softer, dense
undercoat. The coat may have a slight wave on the back, but is otherwise
straight. Some winter coats may form a long, loose curl at the throat.
Featherings are soft at the throat behind the ears and at the back of
the thighs, and forelegs are moderately feathered. While neatening of
the ears and feet is permitted, the Toller should always appear natural.
Colour is various shades of red or orange with lighter featherings and
underside of tail, and usually at least one of the following white
markings — tip of tail, feet (not exceeding beyond the pasterns), chest,
and blaze. A dog of otherwise high quality is not to be penalized for
lack of white. The pigment of the nose, lips and eye rims should match,
and be flesh coloured, blending with coat, or be black.
Head Skull;
head, which should be in proportion to the body size, is clean-cut and
slightly wedge-shaped when viewed from above. The broad skull is only
slightly rounded, the occiput not prominent and the cheeks flat. Length
from occiput to stop should roughly equal that of stop to tip of nose.
The stop is moderate. Muzzle: tapers in a clean line from stop to nose,
with the lower jaw strong but not prominent.
The underline of the
muzzle runs almost in a straight line from the corner of the lip to the
corner of the jawbone, with depth at the stop being greater than at the
nose. Hair on the muzzle is short and fine. Whiskers are not removed.
Nose tapers from bridge to tip, with nostrils well open. Colour should
blend with that of the coat or be black.
lips fit
fairly tightly, forming a gentle curve in profile, with no heaviness in
flews. The correct bite is tight scissors, full dentition is required.
Overshot by more than 1/8 inch, under shot and wry mouth are highly
undesirable. Jaws are strong enough to carry a sizable bird, and
softness in mouth is essential. Eyes set well apart, almond shaped,
medium-sized. Colour, amber to brown. Expression is friendly, alert and
intelligent. Flesh around the eyes should be the same colour as the
lips.Ears triangular, rounded at the tips, medium-sized and carried in a
dropped fashion. They are set high and well back on the skull, with the
base held very slightly erect so that the edge of the ear is carried to
the side of the head. They are well feathered at and behind the fold,
with short hair at the tips.
Slightly arched, strongly muscled and well set-on, of medium length, with no indication of throatiness.
should be muscular, with the blade well laid back and well laid on
giving good withers sloping into the short back. The blade and upper arm
are roughly equal in length with the upper arm well angled back under
the body.
Elbows should be close to the body, turning neither in nor
out, working cleanly and evenly. The forelegs should appear as parallel
columns, straight and strong in bone. The pasterns are strong and
slightly sloping. The strongly-webbed feet are tight and round, with
well-arched toes, thick pads and strong nails, and are in proportion to
the size of the dog. Dewclaws may be removed.
with good spring of rib, brisket reaching to the elbow. The back is
short and straight, the topline level, the loins strong and muscular.
The ribs are well-sprung, neither barrel shaped nor flat. Tuck-up is
Muscular, broad, and square in
appearance. Rear and front angulation should be in balance. Thighs are
very muscular, upper and lower sections being approximately equal in
length. Stifles are well bent and hocks well let down, turning neither
in nor out.