- WT wytyczne WRC
- IWT Regulamin FCI (PL)
- IWT regulamin FCI (ENG)
- ICC/CdE/IWT-guid.




IWT regulamin FCI (ENG)

IWT-reg.FCI (En)

                                         FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) (AISBL)

                                                                                                   13, Place Albert 1er, B - 6530 Thuin (Belgique), tel : ++, fax :++,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         internet : http://www.fci.be


1. lntroduction

a) A Working Test (WT) is a competition for the purpose of assessing, without game being shot, the working abilities
of the various breeds of Retrievers.

b) An International Working Test (IWT) is a working test that is organized and judged according to the

'rules for international gundog working tests for retrievers'.

c) A working test is already organized every year where national teams compete against each other.

This IWT is called 'THE IWT' and should be run according to the rules presented here.

d) The retriever is the shooting man's indispensable help during a shooting day. The aim of an IWT is to select the best dogs having good temperament, good marking, good use of nose and showing initiative.

Handling is to be considered as an indispensable complement to these qualities, keeping the dog steady while walking at heel or at the stand, willing to obey the handler's instructions when sent for game, which it has not been able to mark.

2. Organisation of the IWT

a) An IWT must be designed by a person or persons with experience of dog work under shooting field conditions. Each dog must be given, as near as possible, equal opportunity with the element of luck reduced to a minimum.

b) On the occasion of an IWT, the organisers must always try to simulate events that occur on a shooting day. They must also ensure the tests are designed to further good gundog work, and not inhibit dogs from marking or showing natural working ability. lt is very important that guns and dummy throwers are positioned with this in mind.

c) When retrieving, a dog must not be required to pass too close to another retrieve.

d) Organisers and judges must care for the safety of dogs and must not require them to pass dangerous obstacles.

3. Conduct of an IWT

a) The decision of the judges is final. Those taking part shall not openly impugn the decision of the judgeor criticise the host, ground, or helpers.

b) The organisers shall have the power to exclude dogs from the competition and / or will have the right to refuse an entry.

c) The organisation may restrict the numbers in an IWT, in which case the right to compete shall be

decided by the date the registration form was sent.

d) The judges must be field-trial or working test judges approved by their national canine organisation and/or Kennel Club A- or B-panel judges. At least one of the judges must be an FCI field-trial judge.

e) All handlers must carry out instructions of the judges who are empowered to remove from an IWT any dog whose handler does not obey them or whose handler wilfully interferes with another competitor or his dog.

f) No person attending an IWT may allow any bitch in season to be on an IWT ground or to foul any

ground to be used by competing dogs.

g) An IWT can be organized for open dogs, for open and novice dogs, for open, novice and beginner dogs. No other terminology than open, novice or beginners should be used.

h) No dog shall wear a collar whilst competing, not even the beginners.

i) No person shall carry out punitive measures or harsh handling of a dog whilst within the boundaries of  an IWT. Such a behaviour will be punished (after judges decision) by disqualification.

4. Judging

a) When coming into line the handler must ensure the dog is on the lead, the judge will then explain what is expected. Judges must ensure that spectators are at a reasonable distance from the competitors in the line.

b) Judges will give dogs every opportunity to work well by seeing that conditions, as far as possible are in their favour. They will be looking for dogs, which need the least handling and please them most from a shooting point of view.

c) In all retrieving breeds good marking is essential with a quick pick-up and a fast return. When pickingup and returning, judges will not penalise a dog too heavily for putting down a retrieve to get a firmer grip, but this must not be confused with sloppy retrieving. Dogs showing marking ability and initiative should be placed above those which have to be handled onto their retrieve

d) Eliminating faults and faults which lead to zero will disqualify a dog from any awards.

e) The judges are empowered to withhold any prize or award if in their opinion competing dogs do not  show sufficient merit.

f) Each exercise is judged on points.

g) Each dummy sent for is scored on 10 or 20. A zero on one dummy leads to a 'non classified' (NC). In case more than one dummy has to be retrieved during a test, a zero on one dummy does not mean a zero for the whole of the test when the order in which the dummies should be retrieved is respected.

h) In case of a major fault a score not higher than 6 on 10 or 12 on 20 should be given.

i) In case of more than one major fault a score not higher than 2 on 10 or 4 on 20 should be given.

5. Specific instructions

a) At the start of an IWT, judges must ensure they have the correct dogs with their correct numbers in the line.

b) A retriever must be steady to shot and fall and retrieve on command. Also, all dogs should be tested at working in water and hunting a zone. A dog must walk steady at heel.

c) To make sure that water work and hunting a zone can be tested, the organization should appoint enough judges. For example: 7 judges, for 5 tests for +/- 100 dogs divided over beginners, novice and open.

d) During an IWT only green standard dummies (500 gr) will be used. Exception: Launcher dummies for a dummy launcher.

e) When dummies are thrown, and gunfire is used, the shot must always precede the thrown dummy, with the gun positioned no further than approximately 35 meters from the retrieve. With unseen retrieves gunfire is optional. If possible shotguns should be used instead of pistols.

f) An IWT should include at least five exercises.

g) The distance of a retrieve should not exceed more than 150 meters.

h) Credit points (alphabetical order): control - delivery - drive - natural marking - nose - quiet handling -speed in gathering retrieve - style.

i) Major faults (alphabetical order): bad control and/or disturbing the ground unnecessarily - bad heeling -bad marking and/or bad memory of the fall - being overdependent on the handler - being restless and asking the handler's attention at the post - noisy handling - sloppy retrieving - working slowly and/or without much initiative

j) Faults which lead to zero (alphabetical order): chasing - hunting with dummy in the mouth - changing retrieve - failing to enter water - failing to retrieve - gunshiness - out of control - running in - whining -barking.

If a dog makes a fault the combination (handler/dog) will get zero (0) points. The combination is

allowed to complete the remaining exercises.

k) Eliminating faults (alphabetical order): aggressive behaviour – puncturing the dummy - physical punishment of the dog.

If a dog makes an eliminating fault the combination (handler/dog) is not allowed to stay in the


Approved as guidelines by the FCI General Committee in March 2007 in Amsterdam. English is the

authoritative language.

Amendments (bold and italic) approved by the FCI General Committee in Dortmund, October 2010.

Effective from January 1st, 2011.


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